Banking and Insurance – Highest security demands require a comprehensive system integration

The Challenge

In addition to the classic threat of a robbery, there are numerous other potential threats in a bank and other financial institutions that make high security precautions necessary, such as intrusion or unauthorized access outside business hours, but also the failure of technical infrastructure such as building automation systems or IT infrastructure. The vault of a bank requires even greater protection: Here, security turnstiles with biometric access control systems often ensure that only authorized persons are granted access. In addition, other security systems are installed in financial institutions such as fire alarm systems, video surveillance as well as intercom and personal emergency call systems, evacuation and alarm systems, but also building automation such as heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems.

In the financial sector, there are often numerous nationwide branches of a chain which e.g. are monitored centrally outside their opening hours via a single control center.

Icon Convenient video data storage

Convenient video data storage

Extensive video surveillance is especially important in finance. This results in high data storage volumes. If the personnel do not work with an integration platform but with individual systems of different manufacturers, in particular the subsequent search and documentation of events is very time consuming. The video archive in WinGuard offers the possibility to create bookmarks and to save sequences in WinGuard independent of the used video system. Furthermore, these can be linked to events and supplemented by additional remarks.

Icon Unified control of different technologies

Unified control of different technologies

In particular for highest security requirements like in the financial sector, a central and easy-to-use integration platform is the optimal solution to ensure the security of employees and customers, but also of material assets anytime. Via WinGuard, all deployed technical systems can be controlled in a unified way, even across multiple sites.

High availability and redundancy

Banks and insurance companies place the highest value on their IT, including high availability. The goal is the avoidance or even prediction of failures and system overloads. As WinGuard automatically monitors the IT system environment, overload or lack of hard disk capacity can be detected anytime.

WinGuard itself is also highly available and offers multiple redundancy levels: The complete database of the main system can be carried redundantly via standby servers. Distributed sites can be networked via location servers to ensure the independent operation of the sites in case of a possible failure of the central servers or the network.

Automatic interaction of all systems

A fire alarm from the vault reaches the control center of a banking chain at night, while at the same time the intrusion alarm system in the entrance area is triggered: How to proceed now? The bank branch is located about 350 km away from the control center.

In case of an alarm, automatic actions are executed directly via the WinGuard integration platform: The video cameras in the vault as well as in the entrance area are displayed so that the operator can check whether there are real alarms and, if so, take the required actions with the help of the detailed workflows. At the same time, local security personnel, the fire brigade and police are informed, fire doors are closed and lighting systems are switched on.