Job applicant questionnaire software development Name (*) Day of birth Nationality Place of birth Place of residence Telephone (*) Skype Email (*) Website Familiy status Children Education / degree (institution and year) Languages German nonebeginneraveragevery wellfluently English nonebeginneraveragevery wellfluently nonebeginneraveragevery wellfluently nonebeginneraveragevery wellfluently Personal attributes Teamplayer normalwellvery wellexcellent Communication skills normalwellvery wellexcellent Leadership skills normalwellvery wellexcellent Take responsibility normalwellvery wellexcellent Self-motivation normalwellvery wellexcellent Solution-oriented normalwellvery wellexcellent Quality awareness normalwellvery wellexcellent Willingness to learn normalwellvery wellexcellent Creativity normalwellvery wellexcellent Expertise C# / .Net nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years C++ nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years WPF nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Javascript nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Mobile Apps nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years SQL / SQLite nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Frontend / UI nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Design / Architecture nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Documentation nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Unit Testing nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Scrum nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years GIT nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years nonebasicwellvery wellexcellent years Personal strength (*) What are your preferred areas of work (*) What are your least desired areas of work (*) What are your expectations from the new job / what is most important to you (*) Salary requirement (*) Earliest entering date (*) *Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie ein Mensch sind, indem Sie diese einfache Aufgabe lösen: 9+6=